Restful Activities to Recharge for Summer

With the summer months approaching, it can feel like there is so much to do in so little time for our personal and professional life. Rest doesn’t necessarily mean sitting on the couch. In fact, for some people, it may be the exact opposite. If you spend your workday hunkered down in a desk chair, your body probably doesn’t consider lounging on the couch to be very restful. A break for your body may be taking a walk or practicing yoga instead. Here are a few ideas for recharging activities that you can do solo or with the whole family!

Walk, hike, or bike

Getting active and immersing yourself in a green space can help you recover from staring at a screen all day. Plus, fresh air and sunlight can do wonders for your mood.


It may seem like a paradox, but physical activity can be an energizing activity for your body. You can find fun and family-friendly workouts on workout apps or YouTube. If you’re short on time, add a quick desk detox yoga routine to your day.


Give your eyes a screen break by opting for a physical book rather than an e-book if possible. Switch up your location and get out of the house or office so you can truly relax.


It’s not too late to get summer plants in the ground! Gardening is actually a form of exercise, and you’ll get a healthy dose of vitamin D outside.


Restful for the body and engaging for the mind. If you don’t know where to start, try writing about your day, making a list of things you’re grateful for, or finding journal prompts online.


Take to the kitchen! Good food is beneficial for body and soul. Jam to your favorite playlist or bask in the soothing sounds of the kitchen at the end of a long day.


If you’ve been waiting on someone to give you permission to nap, you’re welcome. A short power nap can boost your mood and energy levels upon awakening!

Treat yourself

Take an afternoon walk to visit your favorite coffee shop, smoothie bar, or ice cream stand. Your body will thank you for the walk, and you get to enjoy a fun treat.