The Weekly Slice

Lunch at the office made…simple?

Many people eat lunch while staring at a computer screen

The United States eats differently. Sometimes, that’s not such a good thing. Edenred performed a study on its employees to see how they ate lunch and how they viewed it. The study spanned 14 countries and contained just fewer than 2500 anonymous participants. The study showed that Americans prefer to have lunch delivered to their…

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Why you should get fruit delivered to your office

A major trend in recent years is Seattle offices getting fresh fruit delivered along with other snacks for their employees. The days of the vending machine and the processed snacks within seem to be turning into a memory as offices try to focus more on their employees than their absolute bottom line. Why choose fruit anyway?…

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From ‘healthy fruits’ to ‘delivered daily’

Sometimes new, fresh fruit can be met with trepidation. Much of this is due to people doing their best to maintain a healthy diet and eat naturally. If you aren’t familiar with a certain fruit, it’s unlikely you know its history or even if it’s good to eat. When healthy snacks are delivered to the…

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Apple-A-Day Rebrands to ThirdLeaf NW

Over the past 10 years, Apple-A-Day has grown from a small women-owned start-up in Eastern Washington  to a fresh fruit and healthy snack delivery service that works with 400+ offices in Washington & Oregon. Thank you for being a special part of our journey. YOU are the reason we’re still here. To commemorate our growth…

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Where can you find the world’s rarest apple?

A rare apple seems like a paradox in Washington state. Thanks to the east side of the state, we have access to a wide variety of fresh apples almost all the time. With this said, Ian Sturrock toured Bardsey Island off of the coast of Wales back in 2000 and made a truly unique discovery….

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How do we get the freshest fruits at the best time?

William Cowper writes “Variety is the spice of life that gives it all its flavor” in his 1785 poem “The Task.” It’s an oft-echoed axiom that motivates people to try new things and broaden their horizons. Occasionally we get questions from our clients about our in-house processes. Over the next couple weeks we’re going to…

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How do green bananas get delivered yellow?

Last week we looked at some of the interesting parts of the apple picking process. This time around, we are going to be looking at the banana process and how we manage to get yellow bananas all year long. Bananas are picked green, unlike apples which growers wait to ripen before plucking off of the trees. The…

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The finer points of the apple process

Most people don’t know that even in our current technological state, most apples are still picked by hand. Even fewer know the full process of getting apples off of the trees and into your homes and offices. Apples can be persnickety and orchardists are constantly combating bruising and temperature With that in mind, we’re going…

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Funky fruit facts for your health

One of the worst myths about eating healthfully is that to get the health benefits of fruits and vegetables, you need to eat things you don’t like or things you haven’t heard of. Earlier this week, I received an email from a coworker extolling the benefits of apricot seeds their richness in B-17. This little…

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To organic or not to organic…that’s the new question

Something stands out when comparing organic and conventional produce: the price! Often times, the cost of organic produce is the primary detractor from buying organic fruits and veggies. Sitting side-by-side it can be difficult to even tell a difference between the two. This week, we look at some less-than-obvious benefits of organic fruit and some…

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