What Comes After the Pumpkin Patch?

October means pumpkins, apple cider, fall movies, and so much more! If you haven’t had the chance to take your family or friends to a pumpkin patch, now is the time! Once you’ve found the biggest, most festive pumpkins in the field, it’s time to take them home to carve! We’re here to teach you what to do with the rest of the pumpkin!

Luckily, carving pumpkins is most often associated with the happy parts, such as the joy of creating your own designs and spending time with loved ones. The downside? Cleanup. If you are anything like my father, everything went into a garbage bag and was thrown away. However, for those of us wanting to be a bit more eco-friendly, there are many solutions to the mess left behind.

First things first, the pumpkin seeds! Don’t throw them away! Though it can seem tedious, it is all worth your while when you roast the most delicious pumpkin seeds. The best part is that you can put your own spin on it! Are butter and salt too boring? Try ranch or even pizza seasoning to spice things up!

Now while you’re sorting the seeds from the guts, don’t get rid of those guts too soon! There are seriously tons of ways you can use the pumpkin guts! Once strained or blended in a food processor, you can use the pumpkin guts for soup broth, homemade pumpkin purée, juices, and more!

Finally, when the season comes to an end and your spooky decor is starting to look a little lopsided, instead of throwing away your pumpkins, compost them! The leftover pumpkin breaks down very easily and creates a nutrient-dense fertilizer for your future gardening endeavors. However, if you don’t have a green thumb, there is another solution… squash them! Host a group of friends, bring your old pumpkins, and throw (literally) a squashing party! Everyone is sure to have a SMASHING time!